Friday, April 14, 2006

note to self....

[Before I start: this hamster... doin his thing... pumping some serious iron... has nothing to do with this blog... i just thought he was cute]

One of my many thought processes today included:
(Put's on pair of favourite pants)
"Hmm... once again... fricken disproportioned self! Miss long legs here has to hem her pants... well what's new? Let's get this deal done!"
(Rips pants off & starts to rip at seams with a seam ripper...)
"Fricken seam ripper... could the "seam people" make life more difficult... one thread at a time... psh screw that...."
(rips with hands as best as she can... thus make pants even more disproportioned!)...
"ah there..."
(puts 'em back on)...
"hmm... well now that i have the length... OH WAIT... I must put slits in the sides at the bottom so as to let the pants flow nicely over any shoe... (don't ask?!? it's a julia thing..)"
(rips pants off again!... & sits on edge of bed and turns to scissors for aid... )
Sn-Ip... SNi-p... rip rip RIP!!!!
"Wo-ho-ho...easy tiger! Took a little much off there... oh well! That'll do!"
(pants go whipping back on)
"Oh wonderful... WoW! pretty darn good... AUGh crap.... now my pants are all wrinkled... but I'm not takin these suckers off again... but i look like a fricken wrinkle grub... hmmm.... i wonder??.... c-can it be done?!? Ironing the clothes while on the body!?.... oh heck yes! I'm pretty skilled with heated machines..."
(turns iron on full blast and cockily starts to iron out pants...)
"oh... oh my! that's... that's kinda nice... oh my! Like a self inflicted leg-massage and heating pad all in one! I should get wrinkly more often.. Man I'm a keener! To think I would have wasted two seconds of my ever exciting life to take my pants off! haha... hey... hey, wouldn't it be funny if... hA! Naw... im not that retar-... GAH!!! OUCH!!!!! BURNING!!!!! OH MY WORD... you know you can NOW remove the HOT metal object from bubbling butt skin... NO NO... 'body'... do NOT react by pushing the iron harder onto the skin...didn't i train my skin receptors and motor skills well enough!?!"
(Looks down at hip/butt to see massive red flesh burn...)
"Well I guess it didn't burn that bad... psh... whatever... I'm strong... come on... oh... my pants are still wrinkled... well i'll be carefull..... HA and like i'm that gay to do it a sec-.... GAH!!!! (sizzling skin bubbles).... oh mother that burns!...."
(second deeper burn noted on right lower hip flab...)...

Does she stop & chance to criticism from friends for being such a wrinkle nut? Or does she press on through the burning fires of hand-held hell?!?
Just think about.... think real hard.... this is Julia!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

LIfe... and such!

Contentment... What really matters? Where is my focus?...
Inspired by several people and events lately I have pondered upon such things.
I have finally come to a place where I am fully satisfied, happy, and "filled" with where I am at in life. I wouldn't want to be doing anything else than right where I am at this moment in time. I wouldn't want to be surrounded by any other people, than those that have surrounded me and supported me this past while! God has blessed me so greatly!
I have learned to both look forward in expectation to where God is leading me, and look back in hindsight to see what he has brought me through thus far. But first and foremost I am looking to the here and NOW! How he's using me now! Looking at all the wonderful people he has put in contact with me, and the reason behind our connections. Basically focusing on the hear and now and enjoying the present..
I've also been learning how to NOT rely so heavily upon the things of the world to support me, and make me happy or content. It'll never be enough! I will always want something more... someone will always let me down or hurt me... people, trends, events will come & go... nothing stays the same!
Through it all the only thing that remains the same, never changes, never fails is God alone... He's what keeps me filled with peace and contentment and strength! It's wonderful!
I've heard that the few years after graduating are years of great change and character building. You discover ALOT of who you are, what you're made of, and start to live your "life!"
This past year I have changed... I believe for the better. I've become confident in who I am, what I'm made of, and where life is leading me... even when I don't have it all figured out! With this discovery I am coming to realize what really matters in life. What "needs" really are! We really don't need much for life... And then with the realization of what really matters, I am able to channel my focus and energy into those critical areas, keeping those what "really" matters as the centre and focus, and allowing all other aspects of LiFe branch off from that point. Life's a journey and at this point in time... I'm sure enjoying the ride!

Without It - Mutemath

Here we are
Isn't life bizarre?
It likes to take from us and throw it out
We'll carry on
What's done is done
Yeah, we'll do without it somehow

The world is gone, don't think about it
Cuz life is short we'll do without it
They say the road is long, don't think about it
Cuz life is short we'll do without it

We can move on forward
Don't worry
The best we've known is yet to come
We can move on forward
Don't worry
The worst won't get the best of us

Some memories, a crippling
Don't let the disease bring us down
There's nothing else to know
Just let it go
Yeah, we'll do without it somehow

The world is gone, don't think about it
Cuz life is short we'll do without it
They say the road is long, don't think about it
Cuz life is short we'll do without it

We can move on forward
Don't worry
The best we've known is yet to come
We can move on forward
Don't worry
The worst won't get the best of us

The world is gone, don't think about it
Cuz life is short we'll do without it
We'll do without it
We'll do without it
We'll do without it
We'll do without it

We can move on forward
Don't worry
The best we've known is yet to come
We can move on forward
Don't worry
Don't you worry

Though the world is gone
We'll carry on
We'll do without it
We'll do without it

vell, vell, vell....

Well, well, well... Guess who's gunna be the new "stock-girl" at IGA!?! No you crazy... not my fat dog!...
I've realized that at times I have quite the issue with spending money... most of the time on stuff that I "need!" Sure... needs! Of course I... need... more perfume flavours! Oh come on of course I do! It's for the good of the noses that have to smell me! Obviously, thus, its a necessitie to life! Smell like coconut chocolute souffle on day, and sweet smelling flowery somethings the next!
Psh! Oh man you're pathetic!... This is how I've been thinking for the longest time! Excuses.
In town I do pretty well. My basic "needs" are a swim pass (so I can hot tub, and "work-out" my stress, happiness & energy as many times a day as I so wish to!) Going out for coffee/supper/sugar with my dear friends!. Other than that and the basics like "lactoath free meelk! (right diana)" and cat food/litter... it's all good!
NEVER take me to the city... just lock me in my hole an leave me at home! Cd's, value village, chapters, fine food, piercings, tattoos... I go 'nUts!'
Anyways the point is... When I'm trying to save for a trip that is on the other side of the world and only five months away... and money is going out faster than it's being saved... i'm kinda in a bind! On my days off I sit at home hoping the hospital will call me in to work cuz I need the money, but then hoping they don't call me because after six days at the hospital you physically and emotionally can't take another day! I love my job... but it's demanding... Thus I've become a two-job girl!
So basically I'll be working every day of my life until mid-september! Thought... if I push myself now... it'll pay off and I'll be better off when all is said and done! I'm a push-myself to the limit and do as much as I can kinda person!...
In short, i'm pretty stoked about stocking shelves, and carrying groceries for old ladies, and being, I'm pretty sure, the only girl amongst a load of guys doing this. Make money in the process so I can save and still do stuff I enjoy!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Too Little.... Too Late?!?

WO-HO!!!... been a while hasn't it!?!..... I've been much too tired & socially active to concentrate my bodily energies on creative juices or a proper thought process!.... ill just a couple melinnia... should come to me... waiting... waiting...
No it's been quite wonderful! Been really connecting with very special and important people in my life! I love just being there for people... whenever... wherever!
Seriously! I'd love getting called at four in the morning cuz someone needs to talk... I love getting told to "GET OVER HERE! I need you!"....Hey, I'm there! And I don't care what you talk about, or spill your guts about... I'll listen.. and try my darndest to console you, or give some honest advice from my own heart! It's sharing hearts that gets me! Connecting with people on a deeper level... love it!...

Monday, April 03, 2006

t-the cat...

Let's just say....
The cat came back the very next week... I sure as heck thought he was a gonner....
Yeah! Yesterday after church I could be seen face-down in a muddy alleyway coaxing my kitty out from under a strangers deck without their permission. My efforts were successfull! He's home and under housearrest! Just had to share that... the picture is... is well proof if you don't believe my coaxing abilities!