Monday, October 23, 2006

Day of Rest

(Not much time type... must head to lectures in like 10 mintues... "Clear Conscience" week with Ken Mulligan...and it should be no less intense than the last week... Ah! LOVE it!!!)
Anyways... here are some pictures from my sunday of rest.
My first Saturday staffing Youthstreet/Backstage, ended up being incredible! I was totally in my element, using the gifts God has given me... just pouring out God's love, compassion, mercy, grace, and truth upon the youth of Townsville! Had some real God moments connecting with the young people! Please continue to pray for these programs... God's doing some amazing stuff over here.
So anyways!
After a drainingly, amazing Saturday, Sunday was spent just chilling. We headed down to the Strande, only to find the lifeguards screaming at us avid ocean swimmers to get out of the water due to two massive Croc's that had been spotted in the area not long ago... g-re-A-T.. so not only do I have to deal with the largest shark breading ground in the world, but the jelly's, and man eating Croc's... isn't this a wonderful place!!! HAHA... actually I love it! The other night I had possums basically throwing mangos at me while I played guitar in the Australian moonlight... Anyways... wow that was random!
So, instead we headed over to the rock pool and waded in the safely enclosed swimming area...
After an afternoon of roasting in the sun, we headed back to the base, and us girls were treated to a surprise "ladie's night out" by the guys on our team.
They had made everything from cheesecake and brownies, to tim tams, sweetened popcorn, oreos, ice cream cake, milo, coffee, tea,... basically anything for us to feast on. They were at our beck and call as we watched "Sweet Home Alabama" on comfy cushions surrounded by party balloons. What a massive blessing to us girls!!!!!
So... now begins another week... my entire team is just being continually blown away by God's goodness! Please pray for us all as we're feeling very drained and worn down physically....
Oh man... but what an incredible time...
OK... I love you all so much! And miss you all heaps... but lectures beckon...


Blogger W said...

We sit here working another freary night shift and try to pass time by looking at your wonderful pictures. It looks like to Jackie and I that you are having the time of your life. I bet you don't miss us at all! Have a great time and do try to think of us once in a while. Love ya
Jackie and Wendy D

2:01 AM  

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