Thursday, November 02, 2006

Clear Conscience & Disciplines

(so sorry it's taken me so long to let you guys know where I'm at and what's been going on... just been crazy busy overload... in a good way though!)
Wow! God is so good... my heart is basically so free and bursting with love, peace, and contentment right now. I'm at such a place in my life where I desire nothing more than to be exactly where I
I'm continually blown away that God would bless me with such a time as this! I am able to set aside six months of my life, fully dedicated to knowing God, loving God, building an intimate relationship with my him, and then going out and making him known, and pouring his love upon the people of this beautiful nation.
I haven't stopped smiling since I got here... and honestly, I can't even begin to think about coming home. (as much as I love you and miss you all so much....) I'm in such a good place right now...
God's doing an amazing work in me: totally stripping away the old and bringing in the new, breaking down the walls I've put up and the oblitering the boxes I've placed him... absolutly blowing me right out of the water.
It's amazing the transformation I see God taking me through. Huge revelations and truths about himself, that he's been engraining in my heart ands oul. I finally feel like I've been able to find out who God's made to be, then release any and all the lies that I've heard and held onto all my life, and then lay the foundation for my own faith.
FINALLY!!! All the head knowledge, in regards to what I believe, that I've built up over the course of my life is finally sinking down into my heart and then being put it into action in my everyday life.
I can literally feel my relationship with the Lord becoming my own... REAL! I can feel myself falling more in love with him everyday. I now know I can't live without him... I know he's the reason I live... and for that I lay down my life, and my own selfish ways for his purpose....
OH man!! It's so hard to put into words all that I feel, and all that God's been teaching me and doing.... just... wow!
A huge thing for me over the past few weeks has been the word REAL: being REAL, God becoming REAL to me, hearing REAL truth and making those truths REALITY, then seeing God move in REAL ways. Everything is alive and real for me... nothing seems unattainable for me right now! HAHA!! Dreaming big and expecting more!
Last week was "Clear Conscience" week with Ken Mulligan, where alot of us were able to strip away the "baggage" we've been trying to heave around with us for far too long... and in turn we've found true freedom in Christ, in his forgiveness, grace, and mercy.
This week was "Christian Disciplines" week with Andrew Dutton, where we learned the more practical lessons on how to live out our faith. The first few days were spent looking at such things as the gospel message, God's character, and his nature.... ( i meen how are we supposed to strive to be like our God is we don't even know who he is?!?...)
The rest of the week was spent in teaching on such things as fasting, obedience & submission to man and God, stewardship, faithfulness, handingling finances & God's provision... awesome awesome pratical life stuff.
When they say DTS is an intense course.... they really meen it!!!! Amazing though!!!!
This morning we were also presented with our Outreach location options... so we're gunna pray about them over the weekend... and I'll let you guys know when I know for sure where I am going!!!!
Anyways... once again I deeply apoligize if this all makes no sense. It's just so hard to put into words all that's happening... and what I tell you on here only scrapes the surface of what's been happening in my heart and in the lives of those around me.
I'm already looking forward to connecting with all of you back home and sharing all this with you... in full...
So for entertainments sake too... here are a few pictures from my "day of rest" last week... we headed up to Crystal Creek to go cliff jumping!!! Secluded little God-made waterfalls and rock pools in the middle of a rainforest tucked into the outback...! LAAAA... amazing... (oh and some pictures from Backstage (saturday youth event) as well)
Love you all so very much... take care....


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