Saturday, December 30, 2006

more stuff

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, ever person that may read this!!
After over 20 days of non-stop glorious work, as the business finally came to a close, I braced myself for my first Australian Christmas.
With the holidays, did come heaps of homesickness... but God has been faithful through it all, blessing me in so many ways with the familly he has given here at my YWAM base. Many a distraction from the fact that I am thousands of miles away from my familly....
After hours of preparation in the kitchen, for the the Christmas day feast, we all gathered together for a Christmas Eve party full of much cheer and bliss. Afterwards, all the DTS girls joined together for a sleep/awakeover, and had the guys join us for christmas morning breakfast! Gotta tell you... it can really screw you up when your flipping pancakes on a BBQ out in the blazing tropical heat.... on christmas morning... gives me the wierded-out shivers thinking about it!
At noon, the entire base gathered together in our-condition cranked auditiorium for more feasting, gift-exchanges, australian jingle-bells,... & it was wonderful!
Boxing day half of the DTS headed on a day trip to the Great Barrier Reef, whilst due to finances... or lack there of, a group of us took the ferry out to Magnetic Island for 2 days to chill! Everything I could have a dreamed for in a tropical island was found on this lovely little island... aqua blue water, mile long vacant natural sand beaches, wild koalas, winding mountain roads, and elevator toilets... (sigh) amazing!
Stayed over night at a lovely hostel and headed back home the next morning... so as not skip out on my work duties.
And now I pull myself (physically, and mentally) together and prepare to head on outreach in three days!!! I'm so ready... not quite physically... but spiritually very ready! I have such an anticipation in my heart in what God's going to do through my team. I'm feeling so hungry to just GO and put into practice all I've been learning throughout lecture phase, boldly proclaiming and sharing the truth to such a spiritually parched and dry land.
Wednesday morning we're heading out Maggie Island for five days, camping at a hostel on the beach, building relationships and evanglizing to the backpackers on the island. Then we'll be headed up to Cairns for a few days doing much the same... from there on we'll be heading south of Brisbane, working within churches, youth groups, schools, and other backpacking hotspots, eventually ending up in Airlie Beach.
Can't even describe how excited I am... hard to explain...
I feel God has been preparing my heart and mind for this time, and I am now ready to step out in faith, confidence, power, and authority he has given to walk out in obedience in whatever he may call me to do over the next two months. Whereever...whatever... all for God's glory, and the benefit of his eternal kingdom!


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