Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Too Little.... Too Late?!?

WO-HO!!!... been a while hasn't it!?!..... I've been much too tired & socially active to concentrate my bodily energies on creative juices or a proper thought process!.... ill just a couple melinnia... should come to me... waiting... waiting...
No it's been quite wonderful! Been really connecting with very special and important people in my life! I love just being there for people... whenever... wherever!
Seriously! I'd love getting called at four in the morning cuz someone needs to talk... I love getting told to "GET OVER HERE! I need you!"....Hey, I'm there! And I don't care what you talk about, or spill your guts about... I'll listen.. and try my darndest to console you, or give some honest advice from my own heart! It's sharing hearts that gets me! Connecting with people on a deeper level... love it!...


Blogger Becker said...

What a huge blessing you are for your friends! Good listeners are few and far between. It's a gift. I can't wait till I can call you up to meet for coffee!! But what a way to be the hands and feet of Christ. You're awesome!

8:30 PM  
Blogger Spoke said...

Love the Lord your God...
Love your neibour...

11:40 AM  

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