Wednesday, April 12, 2006

vell, vell, vell....

Well, well, well... Guess who's gunna be the new "stock-girl" at IGA!?! No you crazy... not my fat dog!...
I've realized that at times I have quite the issue with spending money... most of the time on stuff that I "need!" Sure... needs! Of course I... need... more perfume flavours! Oh come on of course I do! It's for the good of the noses that have to smell me! Obviously, thus, its a necessitie to life! Smell like coconut chocolute souffle on day, and sweet smelling flowery somethings the next!
Psh! Oh man you're pathetic!... This is how I've been thinking for the longest time! Excuses.
In town I do pretty well. My basic "needs" are a swim pass (so I can hot tub, and "work-out" my stress, happiness & energy as many times a day as I so wish to!) Going out for coffee/supper/sugar with my dear friends!. Other than that and the basics like "lactoath free meelk! (right diana)" and cat food/litter... it's all good!
NEVER take me to the city... just lock me in my hole an leave me at home! Cd's, value village, chapters, fine food, piercings, tattoos... I go 'nUts!'
Anyways the point is... When I'm trying to save for a trip that is on the other side of the world and only five months away... and money is going out faster than it's being saved... i'm kinda in a bind! On my days off I sit at home hoping the hospital will call me in to work cuz I need the money, but then hoping they don't call me because after six days at the hospital you physically and emotionally can't take another day! I love my job... but it's demanding... Thus I've become a two-job girl!
So basically I'll be working every day of my life until mid-september! Thought... if I push myself now... it'll pay off and I'll be better off when all is said and done! I'm a push-myself to the limit and do as much as I can kinda person!...
In short, i'm pretty stoked about stocking shelves, and carrying groceries for old ladies, and being, I'm pretty sure, the only girl amongst a load of guys doing this. Make money in the process so I can save and still do stuff I enjoy!


Blogger Amy Mullinger said...

when i go to iga i will request you to carry out my groceries!!!!!!!!!

2:26 PM  

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