Monday, November 13, 2006

HA! I almost DID die!!

Soooooo... I did almost die! HAHAHA... and it was hilarious!
Yesterday whilst doing my work duty in the kitchen, I found myself cramped in the wide frames of the windows, dusting away. Upon finishing I arose and was about to prance off the countertops when out from somewhere... WHACK!!!! Flippen ceiling fan sliced through the air and ripped through the side of my head.... not quite sure of what happened, I look around and see about 20 faces starring with eyes wide, and mouths open in shock and horror at me.
Still dazed, I do what any half-normal Julia would do, and burst into hystericall fits of laughter trying to reassuring everyone that I was totally fine.
"No you are not fine!" Meredith says as she caringly yanks me to a sitting position, and cups here hands to catch the streams of blood rippling down my face. HAHAHAHA... ("this is hilarious" I think to myself "I just got hit with a ceiling fan! HA!! and i'm bleeding everywhere!")
Hannah, our RN on base, comes rushing over from the offices, in sheer excitement that she finally gets to use her nursing skills on a real live head wound. After inspection, I am taken on my first ever trip to an australian hospital.
I was taken care of by a lovely Belgian doctor who thought I was from Ireland. He thought I'd be a quick fix... but upon looking at the gash, informed me that the fan blade had cut through "the layers" down to the bone... and... in fact... dented my skull... leaving paint chips from the fan in my head!!! HAHA!!!! Priceless...
So, as I lay giggling to myself under the a paper sheet, he injects me anethetics and begins the sewing process of putting me back together again.
I giggled and smiled the whole time.. thinking how great God was and how he "blessed" me with this story and experience!... (crazy.. i Know!!!)
So my head shall be mummified till tommorow when I can take this massive head bandage off and shower once again.
Great thanx go out to my flatmates who so tenderly woke me up every two hours through the night to see if I was still alive... and to Meredith who held my blood and head in her hands with such tender love... and thanx to my Dad! I have pictures sticky tacked above my head, so I can fall asleep to the faces of my family and friends, and Dad... your face was the one I looked upon, and focused on when the room began to spin out of control, and my eyes rolled in circles to the back of my head!!!! Oh concussions... how glorious and wonderful!!! haha...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My poor La La: Who except you could laugh and giggle through the whole thing. Good to know that I still play a role in comforting you even if I'm not there in body I am there in Photo. Take care of yourself and don't scare us like that again. Love your Nenny (Daddy in macky voice)
Big Hugs to you my dear Daughter.

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason I think I can relate... BUT not with blood spilling everywhere. Oh my. You certainly do have joy if all you can do is laugh during this madness. Good to hear you're well taken care of sis. I saw a very short video clip of you on your birthday! awww... it made me miss you (and it was strange to see you in Australia with Drew, I was like "!"). Cool. So happy birthday again. - later!

2:32 PM  
Blogger Becker said...

oh my dear julia! I would prefer that you come back to my alive, without any brain damage and all that kind of stuff, but i'm glad you were able to laugh through it! Oh my crazy crazy friend, how i love you!

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After that animal entry...this IS too ironic....

I once was hit in the head by a ceiling fan...and now that I think about it, it was on a YWAM base...maybe it's part of the YWAM connection. Our fan was rusty, though, so instead of having paint chips in a scar on my head, the blade flew off across the room and girls hid in fear as the fan went balistic from uneven blade distribution...

You are a freakin' hilarious girl and I can't help but laugh despite how much pain you must be in because of I can just see you in hysterics on the floor while everyone around is freaking out. You cause joy from halfway across the world...and this is a really long comment....pray you'll heal fast and not have another odd injury sometime soon....

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well girl looks like you had a rough day, i have a story to share with you i was in a car accident on wednesday night rolled a truck 3 times five of us in the vehicle no seatbelts, the truck rolled three times and my best freind was thrown 40 feet out his window, all of us escaped with minor injuries! lucky huh... i thank god every second for sparing us all that night and think all of us could have die. hope you are having a great time in australia julia miss you.... your coolest cousin lol Wade.

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julia, you are hillarious. Hope you're head stops throbbing sometime soon though! Take care

8:40 AM  

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