Wednesday, April 12, 2006

LIfe... and such!

Contentment... What really matters? Where is my focus?...
Inspired by several people and events lately I have pondered upon such things.
I have finally come to a place where I am fully satisfied, happy, and "filled" with where I am at in life. I wouldn't want to be doing anything else than right where I am at this moment in time. I wouldn't want to be surrounded by any other people, than those that have surrounded me and supported me this past while! God has blessed me so greatly!
I have learned to both look forward in expectation to where God is leading me, and look back in hindsight to see what he has brought me through thus far. But first and foremost I am looking to the here and NOW! How he's using me now! Looking at all the wonderful people he has put in contact with me, and the reason behind our connections. Basically focusing on the hear and now and enjoying the present..
I've also been learning how to NOT rely so heavily upon the things of the world to support me, and make me happy or content. It'll never be enough! I will always want something more... someone will always let me down or hurt me... people, trends, events will come & go... nothing stays the same!
Through it all the only thing that remains the same, never changes, never fails is God alone... He's what keeps me filled with peace and contentment and strength! It's wonderful!
I've heard that the few years after graduating are years of great change and character building. You discover ALOT of who you are, what you're made of, and start to live your "life!"
This past year I have changed... I believe for the better. I've become confident in who I am, what I'm made of, and where life is leading me... even when I don't have it all figured out! With this discovery I am coming to realize what really matters in life. What "needs" really are! We really don't need much for life... And then with the realization of what really matters, I am able to channel my focus and energy into those critical areas, keeping those what "really" matters as the centre and focus, and allowing all other aspects of LiFe branch off from that point. Life's a journey and at this point in time... I'm sure enjoying the ride!

Without It - Mutemath

Here we are
Isn't life bizarre?
It likes to take from us and throw it out
We'll carry on
What's done is done
Yeah, we'll do without it somehow

The world is gone, don't think about it
Cuz life is short we'll do without it
They say the road is long, don't think about it
Cuz life is short we'll do without it

We can move on forward
Don't worry
The best we've known is yet to come
We can move on forward
Don't worry
The worst won't get the best of us

Some memories, a crippling
Don't let the disease bring us down
There's nothing else to know
Just let it go
Yeah, we'll do without it somehow

The world is gone, don't think about it
Cuz life is short we'll do without it
They say the road is long, don't think about it
Cuz life is short we'll do without it

We can move on forward
Don't worry
The best we've known is yet to come
We can move on forward
Don't worry
The worst won't get the best of us

The world is gone, don't think about it
Cuz life is short we'll do without it
We'll do without it
We'll do without it
We'll do without it
We'll do without it

We can move on forward
Don't worry
The best we've known is yet to come
We can move on forward
Don't worry
Don't you worry

Though the world is gone
We'll carry on
We'll do without it
We'll do without it


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is it that science uses to define life? Eating, breathing, and growing....every year you'll grow and become more confidant and as you step forward you'll become more of who God created you to be...and it's a joy to watch the the song, darling. (way to put one entry right after the that we don't comment on both, hahah...I didnt' fall into the scheme, I commented on both)

8:35 PM  
Blogger Becker said...

yeah for contentment!! Such an illusive thing some times but I think that has more to do with our own mind sets than with it really being that out of reach. I think so often we push it aside because sometimes I think we feel a contented life is a boring one but that's so far from the truth. I'm definitely looking forward to long chats over coffee and playing on play grounds and just enjoying life with you this summer, my sweet nurse/stockgirl!

3:42 PM  

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