Sunday, December 10, 2006

Camping, Impact Summer, Stable on The Strande!

Oh wow it's been so long... so sorry!
I am absolutly wonderful!!! (still)
I just got home from two incredible weeks of camping in the Outback. I feel like I've been totally transformed once again! HAH! God met with me durring camping and, showed up in ways I never thought possible for myself... I've trully began to dream with him! He's putting in me little tidbits... little dreams, here and there... giving me pieces to a puzzle that's he's already figured out... and with each piece I get more and more excited for where he's taking me with this life he's blessed me with!!! Yeah for peace and contentment!
Ontop of that our DTS grew closer together as a familly, while enjoying heaps of cliff-jumping, creek sitting, talent shows, chasing by snakes, and me scraping my face on a log when diving for turtles! It was grande!
Anyways! The next few weeks are gunna be crazy busy, and thus you guys won't be hearing much from me for quite awhile!
Basically our DTS has unexpectedly moved into a a different phase. Amidst "normal" DTS lectures on evangelism and missions, starting on friday we will be staffing a nine-day mini-DTS youth camp called Impact Summer held here at the base! You can check it out at: (
Durring Impact Summer not only will we be helping run Stable on the Strande, which is Townsvilles five day christmas festival but also leading our campers in evangelizing to the people of Townsville who are attending the event.
Our main focus will be on a massive youth tent that we set up for concerts and games, equiped with stages and a massive skate park/ramp set up right on the beach! It's gunna be... uh... quite the time! I'm quite beyond excited! (
This will then lead right us up to christmas eve and a week later we'll leave on outreach! AH!!!
Wish I could share more of what's been happening, but I've trully gotta run. I love you all.... and love hearing from you! Each note/word means so much to me, even if I can't get back to you guys right away... things are just nuts... thats all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom said: Love the pictures Julia.. ouch you got quite the scrape.. love the turtle... enjoy

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wow - I wonder what will happen to you on outreach! We should pray for your safety. I've got one more week here at the base and then I head home for Christmas - we'll miss you, but I'm so stoked for you where you're at and all the things you're experiencing and learning. I'm proud of ya sis! (especially since you caught me a turtle - cheers). Ah... I see claypool has the same red hoodie on in that picture. Welcome back to civilization - glad to hear you're alive & well. How was Mark Parker?

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like an amazing time!

1:52 PM  
Blogger toomanywhatifs said...

It's such a joy to pop in hear and hear what God's up to and you're up to...

blessing to you!

8:01 AM  

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