Monday, October 02, 2006

Surfer's Paradies & Rainforests

Well... I couldn't be happier right now! I haven't stopped beaming since I stepped foot in this hear country of loveliness.
Sunday night I fell in love... with footy (ruby.) We watched to the Footy Grande Final and I couldn't get over what an incredible and intense sport it is. These massive fit unpadded guys basically pumelling the crap out of each other is just too much to handle! HAha...
Monday morning we arose nice and early and headed off to the Gold Coast and Surfer's Paradise for a day at the beach. Most beautiful beach I have ever seen and probably ever will see. Miles and miles of white sand beach, massive waves pummelling the shore, surfies catching a wave, aqua green and blue water, uncrowded beaches... so incredible! I couldn't stop smiling all day!
I basically spend the entire day out wave jumping, and boogie boarding, whilst roasting my skin and burniny innerds with the toxic salt sea water. Whatever... it was wonderful!!!!!!!
After a long day at Surfer's paradise we headed up this massive massive winding mountain road up into the rainforest!!!!! Headed up to O'rielly's treetop canopy walk. Came down the ladder from a look out with my legs shaking beyond all reason... heard some crazy cat birds... chased some wild jungle turkeys... admired cute little Billy's hopping around.
On the way home we headed down a 4*4 track stopping several times to catch the magnificent view over this massive valley of rainforest covered mountains as the sun set and a storm rolled in. Absolutly breathtaking... I can't even get over it! Haha...
On the way home we stopped at my first Wooly's (Woolworth's.... or at home it would be a safeway) to pick up stuff for afternoon tea, and night lunch. I was serioulsy entertained for about an hour looking at everything. They aisles commited to sugar/chocolate/candy... I almost died!!! Picked up a kit-kat cookie dough and milo bars. So delcious!!!! I swear I'm gunna become diabetic with all the sugar i'm gunna eat over here... bring it on!!! Haha...
I aboslutly love it here and the journey/adventure has only begun. Heading up to Townsville in two days and getting really excited to get settle in at the base and meet all my DTS'mates.
So excited for what God's gunna do.... so ready for it all... i'm diving right in....
Love you all lots and miss yas heaps!
(sorry if these blogs are all over the place and make no sense... i have very limited amounts of time... please forgive my horrid english!)


Blogger Becker said...

yeah! I'm always so excited when you post. It sounds incredible! Sounds like a lot of sensory overload too...but I love your random blogs and your goofy english! Well, all for now! Ciao bella!

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's very obvious you're exactly where you need to be right now. It sounds so lovely and wonderful, I know meeting everyone is going to be even better.

5:21 AM  

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