Thursday, September 07, 2006


How in the worlds name of all that is brown and green do you fit 6 months worth of living supplies into a 40 lb. bag? I've got two weeks to figure that one out.
Well, God is so good and he has most definetly been working in my heart....
The following is an article I wrote for my YWAM student page a week and a half ago in regards to where I was at with my upcoming trip.

[With only 3 and a half weeks until I fly out I am to the point of no feeling (wierd I know! er).... which is actually a good thing! (I think I've been excited for so long that now Gods like: "Julia! Quit thinking! Live in the moment and Go when the time comes!")
Not gunna lie to you my dear people... this past month has been a bit of a struggle... and I haven't even left home! HAHA!!!! I really feel like the enemy has been trying to get me down, hitting me in places where it hurts the most. He's been robbing me of all joy, vision, and anticipation in regards to DTS. I've gotten so confused and discouraged for no reason... which makes me even more confused and discouraged. So many times I have crumpled in prayer and openess saying: "God... I surrender it all! If I'm not to go... make it clear! All I want is what you want! If this isn't what you want... shut the door!" But every single time... he showers me with his undescribable peace and love and I know within my heart that he's telling me to GO... trust him! So I press on... confident of what I now know God has called me to! He'll carry me through! I can't see the bigger picture... I'm only seeing things from a meezly human perpective... I don't fully understand, but I don't need to. I love being at a place of feeling totally and completly useless on my own... cuz I am quite usless on my own! I love having to depend on God for every bit of everything I need from minute to minute. I love living life in total dependence on my creator... It's where I feel most full, complete and alive!!! So pray for me and each of everyone of my fellow DTS students as we prepare to come. Pray that God would work in each of our hearts and totally open us up to what he's got in store for us over the next few months. Pray that we would be freed of doubts and discouragement as we step out and trust God with our lives!... (Can't wait to meet you all in a few weeks... this is just all so exciting... I don't even know what to do with myself!) ..* I am falling into grace... to the unknown... to where you are... and faith makes everyone scared... it's the unknown, the don't know... that keeps me hanging on and on to you *..]

At present time, with only 2 weeks to go until lift off, I am starting to feel something I haven't felt in a while and have been praying for... excitement, anticipation, vision, and passion.
God knows what I can handle, and exactly when I can handle it.
As wierd as it may sound, I now fully appreciate the struggle and low times I experience... such times make the journey so much more fulfilling and causes me to trust God more and more.
He's bringing me closer to him, and showing me that I need to rely upon him for all things.
I'm starting to realize more and more each day that this trip is not about me... it's all about him, and glorifying him alone. So exciting!
I'm ready for God to just blow me out the water....
I have so much to say but won't bore you with it.... my little heart is just glowing rays right now!
I love you all very much and hope to see each of you before I head off.


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