Friday, October 20, 2006

Oh What A Week.....

This past week my DTS was graced with the presence of Joanne Blake, who lectured us on "Identity in Christ." AmAZiNg! It was a radical new way of thinking for all of us!
Learning the lies the world has told is in regards to who we have to be, and who we are and what we are worth... then finding truth in God. Each and every one of has been "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!!!" God does not make junk... we are not junk. He has equipped each of us with individual giftings and talents, temperments, personalities, for a reason. And we are to support each other, reach out the nations, and glorify him, with who he's made each of us to be.
We also learned about who God has called us to be as Men and Women of Christ. This one was a good one for me.... I'm learning what it means to just let the men be men! (and let the women be women!) So great to see the guys on my DTS stand up as men of God... warriors really; Declaring that they would lead and fight... and be the men God has called them to be! LAAAA....
Such a freeing week for all of us. Just the whole finding out who we are and how we are gifted and that it's ok to be this way...
So, freeing to slash and burn the lies the world, and essentially, the lies the enemy has told us for far too long about ourselves... and then resting in the truth of God.
[singing]... amazing!!! Intense week! Physically and Emotionally draining... but so good!
Anyways... last nigth after a LONG, but incredible day... a heap of us headed down to the Strande (our beautiful Townsville beach) for night swimming/pranicing in the ocean, frisbee, and ice cream (donut flavoured ice cream with tim tams and cookie dough crushed in, to be exact.... [drools].)
Sitting in a lecture room, praying and spiritually fighting all day must have built up some supernatural form of energy and psyco joy which abundantly overflowed into the need for me to basically go physicallly nuts. I was running up and down the beach through the incoming waves doing carwheels and rolls. Then diving up and down and all around.
Right after this we had a massive game of ultimate frisbee with a bunch of people... just running my little heart out all over the field.... Then Gareth and I practiced our gymnastic/ballet moves for quite sometime.... then I ran back down to beach did some more prancing (playing "mermaid" and "dolphin" with Kristen.... haha.... er!).
Finally tiredness hit me and I just layed on the beach looking up at the stars in amazement and wonder, letting the waves wash over me and resting in God's goodness and the utter joy, contentment, excitement that he has placed in me since getting here. I am just BEyOnD happy.... so I layed there, letting the sand fill all my crevices, letting the sea salt burn out my eyes, and letting the small bits of seaweed get entangled in my tresses... all this, until Kristen looked over and though she saw a jellyfish wash up on the beach, at what moment, we both let out a little screech and ran ferociously up to the frisbee field...
So yah... then I slept like a rock! And today is Saturday. Youth Street/Backstage day!!!!! (youth ministry.... basically hanging out with kids for 10 hours, building relationships, partaking in any acitivity from dance, and skateboarding, to music and sports, and just pouring God's love and acceptance upon them... amazing times.... really excited....)
Well time to go! Hope this entry made sense to you... and let you into my world a little bit! (I typed it in rapid excitement and joy so may just make nonsense....)


Blogger Becker said...

Hey fabulous, sounds like you're having a fabulous time doing fabulous things and learning...once again...fabulous things. So glad that it's all you've anticipated and more. But I'm a little disturbed by the crevices Love ya!

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just amazing! I don't think anything is as freeing as learning about identity....just remember that you'll sometimes have to fight to keep that thought in your are who you are for a very good reason! And all of us are glad you are who you are.

10:41 PM  

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