Friday, October 13, 2006

A Tinse More...

Here are some random pictures.. mostly from the Strande. Our beautiful local beach which is about a 40 minutes walk from the base and has the world's largest tiger shark breading grounds.


Blogger Becker said...

Hey! The beach looks fabulous! Glad you're having fun!

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiger sharks? Sounds like a great place to go swimming!

4:51 PM  
Blogger Becker said...

okay, pictures have been great. But I think it's time we hear a bit about what you're up to, what you've been learning and all that jazz! Love you chica!

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No pressure >>>all in your time Jules. Soak in where you are. I know dts is very diffrent from regular class room stuff. God is not in a box there :)
love ya...

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet. but... don't eat any slurmies in the water... they might be unsafe for your innards! Keep pressing in and soaking it up sis ;)

9:56 PM  

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