Friday, September 22, 2006

Over My Head

Over My Head

After the words have all been said, After the songs are sung, I realize I've only but just ,
Trying to wrap my mind around extravagent love come down, Leaves me undone, finds me with nothing to say,
The reach of your fame, the power in your name, your glory surrounds me, It's over my head, It's over my head
The shame of the cross, For all that it cost, This friendship astounds me, It's over my head, It's over my head

Unquenchable songs and endless praise, a millions tongues poised to sing, could still not convey, the worth that your name deserves,
Beauty for ashes, joy for pain, Mercy instead of my blame, Ruins me for me more, I'm lost in your presence Lord,


Lost for words to say, lost in a disarry, waiting for you, waiting on truth, I've thrown reason overboard, knowing that there's still more, I don't yet believe, I can't even percieve, Can't seem to understand, Can't seem to find my way, It's over my head, It's over my head,
Learning this mystery, trust what I cannot see, It's over my head, It's over my head, The wonder of all you've made, Foundations your hands have laid, Bringing me back to my knees, to my knees, I'm lost for words to say, lost in another way, ruined for anything other than your love, Desperate to know you Lord, Desperate for whats in store, Finding my hope in You, in only You, Take me beyond this door, lead me to something more, Open my heart up for more of you more of you......


Anonymous Anonymous said...! I can't even believe it! I'll pray for a safe trip for you.

10:09 AM  

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