Saturday, September 30, 2006

Words Can't Describe...

(Sorry this may be short... I'm limited with Internet for now!)
I feel like I'm living in a dream right now... floating in clouds really! (or maybe that's just the jet lag kicing in... whateva!)
I've finally made it to Oz... and have instantly fallen in love with it here! So rad!
(So hard to compress all that i've experienced into a gay blog entry)
Just gunna have to do some point form for yah:
*Stopever in LA, Taipai, Singapore
*Day in Singapore = incredible... (lovely people! And such a beautiful clean city; saw my dad try and barter for the first time over an Ipod and some useless camera crap that we really didn't need...)
*Flew into Brisbane at 6 AM their time... first male Australia I conversed with at the airport told me I had a very nice accent (didn't know I had one thank you very much!)
*Picked up by Drew and Dan. So SO good to see these guys.
*Staying with the Colyns out on their acreage just on the outskirts of Boonah.
*Sun goes down at 5:30 so I wanna go to sleep by 8:00.
*Aussies love their sugar/chocolate and they have morning and afternoon tea.... WELL, sounds like my kinda country
*Picking up the lingo and accent already! (actually feel quite retarded about it, cuz I feel like I'm mimicking them, but I can't help it....)
*First Full Day Here= full 10 hours 4*4 throught the Australian Bush with four landroverthingers and 25 aussies; driver=Drew; vehicle = "the Big White Sticka"; experience = wildest most amazing ride I've ever been on in my life!!! Words can't even describe all that I saw and felt! Saw some roos & wallabys, held the tail of a "frilly" (lizard), fed some wild parrots, and witnessed the most indecribable countryside I have ever seen in my life... & I think my bodies gunna ache tommorow after having to grasp so tightly to what we called and actually labelled the "HSH" (Holy S**t Handle)
*Probably gunna head to the Gold Coast, and possibly do some Roo chasing before I head up to Townsville.... oh man... this is just all so wild....

Gotta head off! So sorry!... Hope to get some pictures up soon....

Still can't believe that I'm here! I hardly know what to think or say... just beyond overwhelmed with so many thoughts and feelings and I'm only 5 days into this thing! Pray for me please!
Love yah all heaps...


Blogger Becker said...

Hey! that's so exciting. It sounds like you're having a great time. I'd be a little scared being driven around by Drew! Glad you survived. So glad that this experience is getting better and better. I love you lots and I'm so glad you're doing this. I've been and will continue to pray for you! Ciao bella!

9:04 AM  
Blogger W said...

Oh Julia,
You are already missed at LTC. Not just because there aren't enough bodies to fill the shifts. The ladies are missing Julia's beautiful smile. I am so excited for you and will live vicariously through your blog entries. You are in for one wild and awesome ride. Our God is a God not of mediocre and ho hum, but a God of great adventure and awesome life experience. Well you just enjoy the ride and don't forget your following here back in 3 hills. Love ya

4:24 PM  

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