Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A Couple Sad "See yahs"

With my last day of work sadly approaching ever so fastly, I've started to say good-bye and the reality of my leaving is finally smacking me in the face.
The other day I got my mom to take some pictures of me with my lovely residents, so I can take their faces with me around the world. I have become so attached to these people in caring for them the past year... it's been so incredible hard leaving my job.
So, I thought I'd share a couple of these precious people with you.... I love them dearly and am going to miss them beyond anything.


Blogger Becker said...

Ahh, they're so cute! Sigh... you're leaving.... YEAH You're leaving!! YOU'RE LEAVING... I have some mixed feelings about that. I'm SUPER excited for you, but sad for me, but still SUPER EXCITED FOR YOU. Remember, you need to send me your flight info so I can be at hte airport so say Ciao!

8:41 AM  

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