Sunday, July 09, 2006

This is an UPDATE!!

Soooo.... how's it going? How's life people of the internet?
Anyways. Just got home from an incredible weekend of camping in Banff with 4 of my dearest friends (cheers to Jenn, Steve, Darren, and John.) It was great to get away from the "real" world for a couple days.
I'm a mountain girl. I can't get enough of them. A now matter how many times I see them... their beauty just blows me away. I meen have you looked at a mountain lately? They're flippen huge!? I meen who does that? How? Wh-...?
Anyways. Few little highlights for yah.
Last night, just as the sun was setting, we decided to take a little hike down to the hoodoos. Well, Darren and I decided to take a road less travelled...
Whilst the other three headed up a gentle walking trail to "look" at the hoodoos... Darren and I traversed, lept, bounded, and butt scuttled off the trail and down the cliff to the hoodoos so we could feel them skin to rock. It was flippen awesome... holding your life in your own hands. If you slip... your gunna careen over the cliff into the river hundreds of feet below... or hit a tree before you do so. Get's your heart racing at least.
Scampering back up the side of the moutain was a little more difficult, but I found some handly fir tree plants that I could grasp on to. We made it. I usually do.... no worries...
I had quite the "julia moment" earlier that day. Took everyone to a wonderful glacier water lake tucked just outside of Banff.
Sun was out, sky was clearn, but there was no way I was there to roast on a beach and get skin cancer... (i'm not one to sit around... i'm very active... especially when it comes to water)
Key word: killer rope swing, hidden from the public, on the opposite side of the lake.
Equipped with massive tree slightly bent over the lake, you can get wicked height and speed when you jump off from halfway up the trunk. It's awesome!
Well. It was all grande until my last jump. I was soaring... had some killer height... feeling the wind in my tresses... released the rope... beautiful drop... about to plug into the waters depths, when... what's this?! A rope... between the legs... kinda burns ALOT! Then... WAHM! I hit the massive knot at the end of the rope. Um I think my new swimsuit just ripped open... my butt split into two... and I'm bleeding everywhere! Oh mother!!
Well at least I was an enteraining article for the tourist familly from France that was watching me, as well as two random guys from Calgary, and my friends. But my friends are used to my "julia moments."
Needless to say, I was in fact bleeding from rope burn down my legs and a little up from there. I reacted with a laughing fit, like I usually do, then, decided to swim across the lake to relieve the pain.
Anyways... All in all it was a grande weekend of much squirrel chasing, and playing with fire...
Ill never sleep in a tent again. Slept beside the fire, under the stars for the first time this weekend. No tent... just pure tree and air, and beauty. It was incredible! Try it!
Layed looking up at the tops of fir trees and past that twinkling stars and the milky way... just talking to God. Reconnecting with him. Basking in the beauty of his creation.
I find nature is also where I can connect with God so hugely, just cuz it blows me away like he does, and I see him in it everywhere I go.
Anyways... I better go. I'm alive! And I'm getting all four wisdom teeth RIPPED out of my jaw tommorow. So if you see me in the next week... i give you permission to laugh and take pictures at my huge face!...


Blogger Becker said...

My dear Julia! It looks like you had a killer time--I can just imagine your julia moment. Usually my mental images embellish all happenings, however, from my experience with julia moments, my mental image probably lacks the true hilarity of the moment. And speaking of the moment, the moment of relinqishing your wisdom is drawing nigh. Your fate is sealed! Will you survive? I can't wait to see you as a chipmunk--I bet you do great chipmunk voices--that's gotta be pretty hilarious!! I'll see you tonight or tomorrow! And then you'll get to learn about 'wobbily bits' and watch the best pretty boy fight ever!

8:49 AM  
Blogger meadow said...

And I will laugh.
But dont worry, it will be nice laughing.

I saw you yesterday...Your face didnt look that big...But I dont know how long ago this was posted...Oh well.


12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOWW!!! Sounds like you had a fun time despite, or maybe because of, your Julia moment. Speaking of Julia moments, I can't make fun of you any longer for ironing clothes on you. I ironed shirt on myself today because I didn't want to take it off one last time to iron yet again, didn't sear my own skin, though.
I'm with you on the mountain thing. I could forever live in the shadow of mountains, they are amazing.
Ask Deena for horror stories on wisdom teeth, she has a good one....seriously, I lived through it with her, it was horrendous.
Love you and hope it goes better for you.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Spoke said...

I miss lakes.
I miss mountains.
I miss rivers.
I miss trees.
I miss outdoors.
I miss camping unprepared.
I'm missing life!

3:53 PM  

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