Friday, June 02, 2006

Unafraid is what I am...

Well... I have done it! After about well [contemplates: 43-2?+(-3)/2^-43)... 5 or 6 years... i finally went to the dentist. ONLY... and ONLY... because my parentals strongly encouraged me to. OH, and because my tooth hurt so bad that my face hurt, and then my body hurt, and I couldn't eat... for all I knew it could have been so infectious absess pussing in the depths of my jawbone, ready to spread the bird flu to all crevases in my inner body. Thus equalling death!
Anyways!... I went, I saw, I felt, and was healed! Not only of my tooth pain, but of my fear of the dentist!...
Why fear the dentist you crazy's may ask. Well... let me tell you... if you, as a wee child went to the dentist every half year for cleanings, and brushed & flossed your teeth dedicatedtly two, sometimes three or four times a day... and then you go see the dentist to hear him tell you that you're such a good little brusher and that all your hard work has paid off! No cavities... yeah! No fillings... yeah! No more pain!... HAHHAHAHAHA>.. yeah! Not me!
Regardless of my efforts, ever visit I made to the dentist result in the discovery of multiple cavities, and thus multiple visits of pain to get those drilled and filled. One time... I had a good NINE!!!!! What the...?!? I had to make three different appointments for that round... I swear every tooth is filled... Oh wait I had two not filled... hha... cuz I just got a root canal done last week plus two other fillings.! But hours ago I could see the decay of my own teeth flying into the air... hear the drill zinging in my ears... feel the drool dripping down my cheek cuz the nurse didn't sucction fast enough! I-it was....
Grande! And now they tell me that getting my wisdom teeth out is inevitable... and they don't have time to "put me under" before I leave for Auz and thus I have to go Calgary for the surgery with some surgeon I don't know... no Dr. Thompson..... no Dr. Husband! :-(... Fear, creeps back in...
I swear dentist are a fraud... scammers really... out to make money somedays! (Was that really a cavity or was it a speck of pepper... oh another excuse for another filling...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we should tell them to give you local AND general anesthetic (plus laughing gas & paralysis pills). hope you're not a chipmunk! baha.

1:38 PM  

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