Friday, May 05, 2006

Oh man.... take a check out....

So yesterday was my official fourth tattoo/piercing day with my dear friend Diana! (Gosh I love that girl... we sometimes have too much fun for our own mental good.. haha... )
So, anyways, I was sitting in "the chair"... absolutly basking in the pain of a needle injecting ink into my ankle! I don't know what it is about tattoos... it hurt quite horridly... and I loved it! I have a pretty massive pain tolerance, so thus I was able to just sit there... take in the gloriousness of the pain.
My tattoo guy was like... "um.. is this your first tattoo? c-cuz your taking it really well!"
I step out of my trance only to reply with a big; "Nope it's my second!"
Sketched this bad boy out myself. Three "jesus fishes" intertwined to create he trinity, with a cross as the centre. The lines are ment to be a bit uneven in thickness to represent a bit of the artist in me... plus i hate it when things look perfect...
So take a look... I love it with all that I am... I'm so hopelessly and helplessly addicted...


Blogger W said...

you crazy gal you! looks good though and makes me want to go and get another one.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOu're so Funny! You barely let the ink dry on one before you go to get the next. I heard how addicting tatoos are, though....the pain and the look of them just seems to get into the blood (so to speak)....I love it, ...very good job on the drawing!

12:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jub Jub! You crazy saphire you!
I leave and don't stay in touch and you go to needles on me! :o)

I love you and we must catch up sometime! Send me pics of your first tattoo. k?

luv Bonnie

10:14 PM  
Blogger Spoke said...

My mum gave me grief years ago when I told her about my first tattoo. She yelled in the phone..."All those bloody years I spent putting baby oil on your skin and you do this...!"
That, in itself, was worth the price of admission.

2:55 PM  

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