Thursday, March 23, 2006

oh... the memories!

I've found that on my long stretches off work, I have a little too much time on my hands. Time to do more than just laze around, although those days are nice. I'm the kind of person that may love being at home, but I have to be up doing something, distracted by something.... lately, it's been something as little as thinking. Problem: I've been thinking much too much. Mostly about life, God, the future, and how enoyingly nit-picky my cat chews inbetween his toenails. [Stop that Snuggles,.... quite chewin.... your gunna bleed, and then lose your toe, then your foot, then your leg, and what will I be left with?!]. Of course the whole thinking about life and the future somehow gets me down.... because I get impatient with future.... wanting to know... and on and on...
So one of my outlets for such distress is going to the pool/gym with my handy pass... and go work out until my body fails me... which usually lasts about an hour and a half. It's wonderful! I heart it muchly! Takes the thinking away.... and I'm able to "focus" on pushing my body instead of pushing my mind off the cliff....
So last night... my familly had abandoned me at home, so I took "the beast" (beast = dad's stationwagon that he refuses to admit... is falling apart.... "oh the motor works great"... yeah, grande, thats just wonderful, but it doesn't help that you fall through the floor-boards onto the pavement everytime you drive it!).... so I took "the beast" down to the pool... and worked out for about an hour and half... wonderful as usual! When I got home... the house was still dark...
As I walked up to the steps I took a deep sniff of air... it had that delicious crisp CRISP winter air smell, mixed with a bit of burnt forest fire or campfire smell something fierce! (smell it all the time when i snowbaord in the rockies... mmmmm..... huh, also reminds me of holidays at the cabin in B.C) Pretty much my most favourite outdoor smell besides the one after a morning/horrendous thunderstorm rain.
Anyways... just at this moment... I also heard the train come rolling by my place... which reminds me of holidays at the cabin in B.C as well! (We have trains pass our cabin every half hour or so.... soothing actually....really....)
I sat down on our front step and just sat there... eyes closed... ears open.... nostrils flared... sitting there... it was so simple.... and so wonderful.... thinking (gAH)!
I've been going to Bruck's cabin in Salmon Arm, B.C, every summer, accept a few skipped ones, since I was zero. It's this rustic old cabin, built on the side of mountain amongst great cedars... looking over shushwap lake.... equipped with private beach and boat house! Built as rest place for missionaries on furlow....
The sound of the train and the smell of the burning trees brought back the peace & memories associated with all of those holidays... and this massive wave of happiness just flooded over me... Being scared crapless everytime I had to go to bathroom when down at the beach, for fear that a bear would surprise me... oh... and the rip my hide and skin me alive! My uncle floating out to the middle of this fricken massive lake... only to find out he doesn't know how to swim! "I uh hope that 50 cent floaty from the looney store is considered a self lifesaver in lifesaving terms...." (I swear I was a better swimmer in the womb then he was...) My brother catching many creatures! One being a massive toad he found at midnight on the beach and then kept in our bath tub... another being a dirty little shrew he stored in our food container w/o telling mom.... Blowing fireworks off on the beach... one time blowing one off upside down and burning our dogs nose in the process.... cherry picking... eating the cherries by the gallon... then paying for the cherries later when they hit your digestive track!.... on on and on....
But for the past few years we've went... amongst all the sunburns and matt-wars on the lake and fears of lake monsters, by myself.... it's been more than anything, a time of re-connection not only with familly but with God! That place means so much to me just for that reason.... it's utter seclusion, surrounded by utter natural gloriousness, with nothing to worry about, but whether or not I should take a nap now... or later.... wait nap? heck no! I'm going snorkaling for rocks! (I'm NOT the kind of girl to lay on the beach and "work on my tan"! personally I'd rather go flip peoples air mattresses over on em, or snorkel, or play volleyball, or throw dogs in the water and watch em dog paddle sideways to shore, or dive off the floating dock! I'm a doo-er... none of this tan-roll-tan crap!).... now, should I eat the dill chips or the BBQ!? how about spitz? hmm.... trying questions they are... I find time to just poor into the Bible and talk to God while on holidays. (I swear I have a journal just for holidays because I write so friggen much!)
And for a moment last night... with those memories flooding in.... I felt reconnected with God once again, and renewed! It was awsome... hope I get to go again this year, and hope that when I have my own familly, my kids will have the same kind of place to grow up with memories as fond as my own....
[...So then i got inside and craved a good, house shaking thunderstorm with tornado warnings and all..... random.....but i want one real bad!!!!]


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