Thursday, March 16, 2006

oh God's beautiful creatures... HA!

Ok... last night I came home from work at a bit after eleven only to run straight for the fridge and scarf down half a delicious lasagna that I had made the other night for supper... anyways! (don't know where I was going with that one!) I was famished and tired and ready for bed until my brother sat me down and showed me this small clip of a video that almost made me regergitate my food in uncontrollable waves and heaves of belly-busting laughing! It was almost... just almost too much to handle! Thought I'd share this clip with you and hope you get the same effect.....
Let's just say..... aminals are trully retarded creatures and I love them! If you need quick cheap entertainment how about: Dress your pets up in doll cloths and play 'doctor' with em (they make grande patients when they can't move!.) Or watch your cat freak out running around in circles for no reason but the fact that your watching; heck give him a live goldfish that you can't stand the site of because you just won it after eating a live goldfish yourself; or if your in for a real treat, do nothing & if he's a quick one in the head, you'll no sooner then later feel is nails and teeth sink into your flesh as he runs up your pant leg, or bare flesh if your wearing shorts. Oh the blood and infection! Or heck... if you have to sausage dogs and a cat, as I do,... put all three creatures in a tiny enclosed space and watch the fur fly! It's awsome! Anyways.... I have so many lovely animal stories.... love my Sidius to bits! He's glorious really! Yeah, just watch the video.... Like I said... I almost died.... so watch yourself... if you are weak of heart and strong of brain... it is adviced you skip out on this one kids!

I don't know how to link with a click, so copy then paste this address into your toolbar thing: Mytoken=61E8ADBA-1057-A935-6BAFCAAFAE3FDE484719658


Blogger Spoke said...

check out Meadow's pix here:
she dresses up pets too.

11:31 AM  

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