Monday, March 13, 2006


Oooo! I'm absolutly brewing right now! I can't stand the labelling, and rude assumptions made, even in joking form, made by complete strangers, acquaintances and even so called close friends.
One of my dear friends wrote this in her blog, and I love it! Thus I shall quote it and hope she doesn't mind because I totally agree:

"how come if i'm skinny, then i'm anorexic, if i were fat, i'd be unloved, if i am preppy i'm stuck up, if i'm skater, i'm a poser, if i'm nice, i'm a pushover, if i'm blunt. i'm rude, if i'm depressed, i'm suicidal, if i'm normal, i'm unoriginal, if i'm in love, i'm stupid, if i give my friend a hug, i'm gay, if i d
on't, i'm cold hearted, if i want to be alone, i'm depressed, if i don't go to school right now, i'm wasting my life, if i call him, i'm desperate, if i cry, no one cares, if i scream no one hears, if i smile, i move on to fast, if i frown, i need to cheer up, if i am myself, no one understands, if i'm someone else, i'm a fake..."

(This next part is me ranting now....) Just because I have tattoos and piercings does not mean I am a heathen straying off the path of righteous living. Phff! And on the other hand, just because I'm a Christian doesn't meen I can't enjoy a social drink, play poker, or go nuts and have fun with crazy antics .
Just because I work with old people, doesn't meen I have to be old, and grow wrinkles!
Just because I LOVE sports doesn't make me a jock! Just because I love reading, learning, and did in fact spend hours on end studying instead of socializing in high school, doesn't meen I'm a loner geek (wait Im still quite the geek... oh well, that's me!) Just because Im an artist doesn't make me essentric. Ever heard of a well-rounded girl?!?

Just because I'm generally happy, cheerful, friendly person, doesn't make me a fake. I trully am filled with joy! HAha...
Just because I didn't wave at you when I drove by doesn't meen I was ignoring you. I didn't see you! In fact I was blinded by sun!
Just because I don't call you to hang out, doesn't meen I'm avoiding you, mad at you, or annoyed by you. I'm probably just tired, reading a book at home, enjoying my solitude (being an old woman as some have said.) Just because I pick the chocolote chips out of the 5 muffins then throw the other part in the garbage, doesn't meen I'm wastin
g the muffin as a whole! Oh wait... yes it does....
Just because I may turn away when you glance my way doesn't meen I think I'm better than you. In fact I'm usually always scared shyfull!
In regards to the opposite sex:Just because I may hang out and enjoy the company of certain boys, doesn't meen I'm going out with them, or even interested in them in "
that way." Ever heard of a good ol "guy-friend." Just because I talk to you, compliment you, or look your way, doesn't mean I'm checking you out, hitting on you, or even "like" you in that way. GAH! [Gosh I hate those ones... talk to any guy = "julia are you going out with him?!" => "um... NO! It's call conversation! you need that in any friendship.... right?!!"... I had a massive group of really awsome FUN FUN guys in my class in high school! Too bad I never got to get to know them all that well, because for the most part, they avoided most girls at all cost, so as to avoid being bashed by their fellow guy friends for having had even talked to a girl... anyways...]....I feel like I've missed out on a lot of good friendships because of
that one...
I could seriously go on.... but ill spare you!
Such things just burns me! Eats me! Makes my flesh boil and burn! Assumptions, beating around the bush, half-truths, labelling and with that gossip. I can honest
ly say I've never been a gossiper! I hate it! That and people that don't tell you the truth right to your face, for fear that they're going to hurt you. Um... I'm not scared of pain. I'm scared of lies. Not knowing the truth... the truth may hurt... but I can take it... tell me... GAH!
Can't everyone just get along! Can't we just be honest with one another!? Can't everyone love each other!? What's with all the back-stabbing, lies and betrayal, and hurt! Can't the chipmunks just become friends with the squirrels without the bitting and scurrying around, fighting about who has the bigger nuts!.... oh wait... that's never gunna happen! Life's just like that!


Blogger Spoke said...

Ever try being a 43 year old male , married jesus freak that doesn't LOOK like a Christian, in this shallow, anal-retentive fragile community of "believers" > Funny, the ones we call "pagans" are truthful and actually stop to speak with me... Many Christians scurry away if they see me with a cigar or a beer...I guess they cling to Jesus only by their finger nails and so they are freightened they may let go if distracted. I have my entire body locked around Him...I'm not loosing Him, no matter the distraction.
PS, I DID warn you :-)

11:24 AM  

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