Friday, March 17, 2006

wHa-wha-WHAT!? come again...

So this is short cuz im in mourning.....
So I was trounsing along town today with my lovely sistter in the glorious sun.... listening to CJ92 when the radio guy announced that he was playing "Angels Losing Sleep" by Our Lady Peace! Nice.... nice buddy! Well done... good choosing! They're pretty much in my top favourite bands.... then he says "Oh and by the way people.... they'll be hear on May 1st in the Jubilee Auditorium!"
Ablah-a-wwut-wut-WHAT!? Come again sir? Pretty much ran over the elderly grandma crossing the pedestrian walkway on main street out of my utter state of shock! Broke out into uncontrollable spasms and sweats. Thoughts purge my mind.... "I know I told myself I wouldn't go to anymore concerts cuz i gotta buckle down with money.... but come on.... Our Lady Peace.... should i g-.....YUP! I'm going!... What if I come up $100 short and can't go Australia cuz I went to this concert... that would su-... I'M GOING!" (good decision maker eH?)
So my sistter and I race home and while driving we chat excitedly about who could possibly want to come with us... and on and on....
Until I get home... and find.... to my greatest horror of horrors.... SOLD OUT!!! (Or so I'm pretty sure is the deal.... the computer said it couldn't find any tickets pertaining to my search... which consisted of... of "any" or "whatever" for all the questions asked!)
Oh mother of pearl..... rip my heart out, pulp it into the ground... rub some salt in it... take a curved blade and slit it into ribbons... drench it in lye... then give it back to me with a wicked smile one your face! BLAH!
The only thing that could heal this hurt... is IF Lifehouse was coming to Calgary.... they'd make everything better.... never gunna happen.... Oh Raine Maida... the voice, the spice, the nice looking hottness...
I think I'm gunna go lick my wounds....
Maybe the luck of the Irish will kick into gear at Poker night tonight.... u-hugh....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you hear about the time I didn't go to a Brave Saint Saturn concert because it was only a few months before DTS and I was anxious about the money ($40) and couldn't deal with the idea of taking two days of work (because it was at Harvestmoon)? Yeah, my favourite band IN THE WORLD! Who have never been to Edmonton, or anywhere in Canada for that matter, before or since, plus there was a debut concert of the lead singers new band "Roper"....I don't think I've ever experienced that kind of self control before or since....and still regret it....(yes I do)...
it would be sweet if Lifehouse came up.... we could keep a lookout, or start a petition or pay huge riduculous amounts of money to bring them up-meh, meh, meh (my version of choking, old lady laughter)
Anyways, sweety, be happy, maybe they aren't sold out in Edmonton and you can come up here and see them and spend the night at my place....

9:52 PM  
Blogger Spoke said...

good luck

10:18 AM  

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