Thursday, March 09, 2006

thought i might....

Thought I should update this puppy, just so you know I'm still alive. Now you may ask yourself what I've been up to lately.... well.... i've had a couple firsts and hopefully lasts here and there...

*last weekend I had the chance to make-out with a blue manican for two days straight... oh wait, that & learn to save lives at the same time through a CPR/First Aid course
*at the same course, I "got-to" feel up (and vice-versa) a complete stranger durring a "total-body survey"... who just so happened to be not only a stranger of the opposite sex, but married, with two kids.... can anyone say "awkward"
*had my first peuker at work... now this is a big deal for me because for some reason it's built into me to bolt at any sign of vomit; can't stand it, can't handle it,... if I have to remain in its vicinity it turns into a 'how bout "can, can i join you with hurling... cuz your making me sick?!"' kinda situation... anyways... this may sounds retarded, but it was one of the things that could keep from doing nursing, but I surprised myself! Got right in there actually, even offerened some comfort and sympathy to the poor woman as she hurled into the basin i held! So a first and a good first!
*played an addictive networked video game with my lovely brother for more than four hours without feeling useless or guilty afterwards... yeah i loved it....
*watched my cat do a back flip off my window sill after he ate my blinds... that one just happened....
*crocheted... and actually almost finished my first afgan... (I'm such an old woman sometimes...)
*considered getting a second job durring my long stretches of time off between my rotations, only to get called in for work everyday I had off....

.... and today I'm going to get my first tattoo! In like 2 hours! Yeah, pretty much jumping out of my skin with shear excitment! I'm no longer getting it on my back.... I'm doing an armband in Hebrew that says "Be Thou My Vision." One of my dear friends made the grande suggestion that I get the tattoo in a place I can actually see it, as a daily reminder to myself of it's deeper meaning. Also a place that is also easily seeable to others view as well. So I've gotta run and do a final sketch on that one. If I can't get in at a tattoo place, I'll most likely come back with some random piercing.... i think i'm addicted to self mutilating body art....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, once you get the tatoo, are you sending us pictures? So COOL.

2:04 PM  

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