Sunday, January 29, 2006

bAd albert-an!?

Well.... friday was mail day for me.... actually i don't really have a mail day.... anyways! To my utter excitement when I opened my parents mailbox I found several lovely packaged brown envelopes, cheque style from the Alberta government! Oh gloriousness of GLORY! Ralphy cheques were in.... although i was happy for the rest of my familly i knew i wouldn't be getting my own $400 until the second batch of cheques in march-ish due to my own inhibition.... or laziness in filing my income tax on time. But I proceeded to my own newly acquired box anyways... to see if perhaps I got yet another lovely flyer from IGA or possibly.... oh oh, the source (oh high tech flyer... it has glossy colour print!) (p.s-- i never get mail; it hurts me really!) anyways... i not only found flyers but i found a letter... and a brown letter at that.... from the government.... cheque style! I was absolutly extactic! I WAS on time... im not lazy! So I decided not to open it until i got home... build excitement! (I get excited easily!) So I head home and brag to my familly that i didnt have to wait three months, but I had infact filed early enough to be a first batcher....
WELL!!! Feeling quite satisfied with myself... i finally opened the darn thing... but instead of seeing triple digits.... i saw.... in all truth and horror.... one digit! Yeah.... a whole $9.87 to be exact! RIP off deal.... is this some sick joke??.... am i really that horrid of a citizen of alberta to be jipped and cheated so harshly! GAH!... then i realize... HA... that its only my return money from last year... my hard earned IGA tax money stuff.....
Well i guess it'll be another three months until i get the real goods.... by then you all will have spent your money.... and i can rub it in your faces.... its only $400 bucks.... but then again... it IS $400.... heck yes.....


Blogger W said...

patience is a virtue youg child...ha ha I got my $400 cheque and you didn't. Sorry that was a tad juvenille on my part...Yours too will come. What do you plan for yours. I payed off debt. Very unexciting but important none the less.

2:27 PM  
Blogger Spoke said...

We also put Ralph's cash to our BC born debt. We encouraged our daughter to surrender some of HERS too. She eagerly gave over $200 and felt like a true bread winner. Not bad for a 12 year old.
I must say though, I'm surprised by my attitude towards people that are financially ok and running off buying stuff they don't need. I don't like how this makes me feel!

9:46 AM  
Blogger Annacond said...

julia, you just get a little longer to mull the possibilities! i haven't spent mine yet, not sure what to get either. (i've got the 'prosperity cheques' on two of my blogs, this is a hot topic for us albertans!) um, and not to sound bitter or anything, but i never got a dime from revenue canada, actually had to pay them a fair chunk. enjoy the $9.87 LOL.

1:01 PM  

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