Saturday, February 25, 2006

under the needle... i shall go....

Well after much awaited searching and scrounging I have finally found it! At two in morning last night, I was sitting in my hole I call a room, poaring over website after website, and book after book, trying once again to find the tattoo of my dreams. I've been looking for something extremely meaningful (thus probably "spiritual"), because it IS going to be needled into my skin for forever, and will be worn through my remaing years, stretchmarks and all.
Anyways... I FOUND IT!!!!! I knew right away when I saw it...
This says "Be Thou My Vision" in hebrew. Now I liked the idea of it being in hebrew, BUT, then I awoke last night (i did actually awake, quite suddenly in fact and then after a few seconds of enlightenment, hit the pillow again to instant sleep) with an even more splendid idea. I'm going to get it written in Gaelic. "Bi-Se I Mo Shuil." This tattoo could not be more meaningful to me.
The hymn "Be Thous My Vision," which is in fact a Gaelic blessing, has been my life song, or what I want my life to be saying. Also, apart of my heritage is Irish and thus that ties in with the whole Gaelic translation deal as well.. GAH! I'm so excited....
That's all i had to say...I have to go do something usefull with myself... so... later


Blogger W said...

i remember the agaonizing that it took to finally figure out what IT would be. I really like your choice...gotta let me see it when you get it done.

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

beautiful! (molto belle!, gusel!)
Now you have to find the perfect tatoo artist....I heard on one in Calgary who is good (like won't cause too much blood and won't do it wrong so it fades)...I'll let you know, if you would like. (I'm sorry, it's just that three people I know from Edmonton drove to Calgary and back just to get a tatoo from some guy there because they didn't want it to be a bad one)
I'll have a tatoo someday too, perhaps.

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm working on getting the name of people now. THank you for the message. Next time I'm in Three Hills I'll give you a call, I feel like I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to you at all, like, ever (EVER!!!). We can go teahousing or somethin...

1:32 PM  
Blogger Spoke said...

Talk to Paula, she has had nice work done in Calgary lately.

Now, look up the verse in Leviticans... 19:28. Study the verse in context AND content. See who it was written to and why. Do a mini study on the culture of the day. Legalistic Christians will throw this verse at you, I guarantee it! Never hurts to be in the know so you won't "blow" when they try to argue with you.
Not to mention, you've already prayed this through...well done.

10:18 AM  

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