Sunday, January 29, 2006

bAd albert-an!?

Well.... friday was mail day for me.... actually i don't really have a mail day.... anyways! To my utter excitement when I opened my parents mailbox I found several lovely packaged brown envelopes, cheque style from the Alberta government! Oh gloriousness of GLORY! Ralphy cheques were in.... although i was happy for the rest of my familly i knew i wouldn't be getting my own $400 until the second batch of cheques in march-ish due to my own inhibition.... or laziness in filing my income tax on time. But I proceeded to my own newly acquired box anyways... to see if perhaps I got yet another lovely flyer from IGA or possibly.... oh oh, the source (oh high tech flyer... it has glossy colour print!) (p.s-- i never get mail; it hurts me really!) anyways... i not only found flyers but i found a letter... and a brown letter at that.... from the government.... cheque style! I was absolutly extactic! I WAS on time... im not lazy! So I decided not to open it until i got home... build excitement! (I get excited easily!) So I head home and brag to my familly that i didnt have to wait three months, but I had infact filed early enough to be a first batcher....
WELL!!! Feeling quite satisfied with myself... i finally opened the darn thing... but instead of seeing triple digits.... i saw.... in all truth and horror.... one digit! Yeah.... a whole $9.87 to be exact! RIP off deal.... is this some sick joke??.... am i really that horrid of a citizen of alberta to be jipped and cheated so harshly! GAH!... then i realize... HA... that its only my return money from last year... my hard earned IGA tax money stuff.....
Well i guess it'll be another three months until i get the real goods.... by then you all will have spent your money.... and i can rub it in your faces.... its only $400 bucks.... but then again... it IS $400.... heck yes.....

Friday, January 20, 2006

Look who has a cone... HA

Today was a monumental day in the life of my Sidius! As the local vet put it... he had his "brains removed" going from a strong boistrous male.... to well.... an "IT!" On top of that his intestines were disected, removing his potentially harmful hernia, leaving him with a bald belly & purple stiches... when they told me he had to wear a cone I was pretty much on the floor in histerical laughter.... HA! Then when he came home, he started running backwards conking into things & then freaking out running in circles around my room, as my 20 pound wienershnitsal of a dog barked and chased him.... this is gunna keep me entertained for a couple days thats for sure....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Nocturnality at my best!

These past few nights Ive once again become a nocturnal creature of the night... silently lurking in the shadows of dimly lit corridors... awaiting to pounce on victim who may dare to ring for me or call out my name!...
Yeah, ive been working a couple nights shifts... & I love em really! You come across some pretty dead quiet nights, but then, oh others can become very "interesting." Can't share too much so as not to violate the "patient confidentiality" dealio.... all i can say is... the other night there must have been a full moon or something! Everyone was up wide awake, two in the morning ready for the next day, thinking i was the crazy in telling them they could in fact sleep for another couple hours. I then walk by the TV room where one of our residents had fallen asleep. Oh gosh.... images... scarring...cant get them out of head... {cover eyes}! [click] whew.... Then I trounse into the dining room only to get scared crapless in seeing a white faced figure reflecting in the moonlight in the dining room corner, with apron on, eating coffee grounds, ready for breakfast. Thats only one of many.... interesting.... very interesting.....
So, anyways, durring my shift, after much creeping about we begin to arouse our residents a bit after four in the morning... um ok, who in the hecks name... old or young, with it or not... would want to be woken up at four in the morning just to "get ready for a brand new day"... I always feel so horrid doing it...
"Oh... you want to sleep a little more do yah... well too bad for you cuz we're on quite the tight schedule and if we dont , the next shift is going suffocate us with used catheder bags... jab us with dull needles, oh & hopefully then murder us, & violently huck us in the icy caverns of the basement morgue!
So because I trully love these people so much, and they always brighten my day, I try to wake em up a bit funnly by using different tactics of choice! Sometimes it comes with gentle strokes/hugs of love, other times a little dose of humour will do it... Oh-ho, but the other night I pulled a new one out! While soothingly washing a face with a warm cloth, I asked this elderly woman if she had ever seen a person with a piercing through their tongue...
She then looked at me like i was crazy and shook violently saying "NO!!"...
"Hoho ( I snicker) she's in for a real treat!"
Thus I got right up close to her face and without warning stuck out of my own metal cladden tongue... At that very moment her sweet wrinkled face twisted and contorted, eyes sucked in, and rigamortis kicked in (not really, just ryhmed thats all)... I wasnt sure if she was going to laugh, cry, pull out her 12-gauge, die, scream & ring her bell, die on me, convulse, or die on me...! She flew, as fast as an old person can fly, in shock, as far away from me as possible most likely in disgust and horror! Hit the rail on the other end of the bed...! So, I pull a julia and started laughing heartily and upon hearing my boustrous grunts, she then perked up a bit and was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed from that moment one.... yeah that tactic worked all right!!!
Got me thinking about how as time goes by, standards of what is acceptable change as well ... things that were once considered unacceptable, have now not only become much less scorned, but commonplace!
"Back in the day" tattoos & piercings were reserved for the rebels... In school I remember drawing all over my skin with those washable smelly markers that taste real good, strutting around thinking I was such a heathen to even immitate getting a tattoo....
"Yeah... thats right... send me to the corner for time out! Show me your worst, cuz I've shown you mine!"
Now-a-days tattoos are seen as a way of expressing ones self, and are quite common amongst all races, ages and religions.
Making tattoos & piercings acceptable seems pretty harmless (& heaps of fun!!), but what scares me is how acceptable we are coming to other not so harmless issues. Different cultures, beliefs, values, practices. How far will we go, how much will we sacrifice, jeopardize and give up to try an accept everyone in what they believe is right/wrong, moral/immoral.
Will we just become so tolerant of everything, that nothing is considered wrong, because just one person feels its ok. What will be next? Hmmmmm..... intriguing yes... not really sure where I was going with that one... but I already went there....
Anyways... better go muster up a pot of tea to perk myself up for another long night! Hey maybe something partially exciting will happen tonight... ooo maybe the unit goldfish will die... yes, yes maybe... he.... will (muahahaha).... suicide by air pocket... its not like ill help him along or anything.... HA-HA-HA..... one more night.... one more.....

Sunday, January 15, 2006

OH!! After much awaited long-li-ness....

Vell... as my title portrays to thine eyes... i have at long long-last, finally joined the "blogal" (according to my dear brother!) ... ok... you may think ive just been suckered into an empire of geeks united, which is pretty much the likely truth (& first off to clear things up, I may in actual fact, be one of the massivest geeks you'll ever meet...)... anyways, i just find i have billions of thoughts running through my mind... about every which random things! then when i get talking with certain people or read other blogs it gets my mind absolutly racing, much like a world class race-chipmunk after a pile of nuts in the depths of china (ok, anyways, i just get thinking and i end up writing essays for comments... so, i guess this blog is a way to satisfy my ravinous hunger to express the inner julia, and let you partake in my lifes blunders, happinesses & other such occurences... um,sure...

See... I used to be such a band-wagon-jumper of a person, but now im finally discovery for myself & realizing the "unique" person God has made me. Truth is, I don't have myself quite figured out! What I do know on this discovery/journey thingy, is that I wouldn't want to be anyone else! I know God's made me this way for a reason; every little bit of me... every random thought... every indepth opinion. Im realizing personal values, beliefs, what I live for & thrive on. Things that trully matter most in life, like relationship & familly are now coming clear. Heck, I'm even finding out the little things, like what will send me directly rolling on the floor in writhing waves of uncontrollable "child-birth paining" laughter!
God's intricatly wired everyone of us a certain way, & somehow in all his greatness, interconnected us as individuals into this huge labrinth called earth and life. ( gosh, Im so overwhelmed by how human I am & how tiny a "human perspective" i have... ill never be able to wrap my mind around how perfect God has fit everything togther... GAH! its crazy...)
anyways... sidetracked again...
There is just not one human "just like the other one." Plus, why would I want to morph into someone else: a fake, restrained, human who may then be deemed acceptable by the worlds standards.
I'm not ashamed that I can spend hours on end in such concentrated serious & indepth thought with someone or myself that I may possibly make myself ill, or bring myself to a near anurism. I'm not sorry I'm "wierd" (by some elses standards), and appear like Im on crack half the time; too bad for you if you can't laugh at me or with me.
It's who I am... so excited to see how God is changing me and molding me and where hes taking me! It's awsome...
K... wow... I'm gunna stop now.... i just realized how much i just wrote about...well... myself! (now thats beyond sickening) Er, sorry about that....
i guess we've now been officially introducted....
so yeah... um... you can leave now....