Friday, January 20, 2006

Look who has a cone... HA

Today was a monumental day in the life of my Sidius! As the local vet put it... he had his "brains removed" going from a strong boistrous male.... to well.... an "IT!" On top of that his intestines were disected, removing his potentially harmful hernia, leaving him with a bald belly & purple stiches... when they told me he had to wear a cone I was pretty much on the floor in histerical laughter.... HA! Then when he came home, he started running backwards conking into things & then freaking out running in circles around my room, as my 20 pound wienershnitsal of a dog barked and chased him.... this is gunna keep me entertained for a couple days thats for sure....


Blogger W said...

you are truly a twisted girl...don't really think I had a clue! and tell me what does this gastly picture of the cat missing half of it's face for...have you been trading gross dead cat stories with Paula?

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was fairly disturbing. I'm glad things are going well for you in 'the hospital'. Have you gotten to help with Dee yet? Heheh....she must be thrilled to be back in town again! Anyways, maybe I'll see you soon...and you're supposed to call me or something...

10:41 PM  
Blogger Spoke said...

You give us fotogeeks a bad name!

11:32 AM  

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