Sunday, January 15, 2006

OH!! After much awaited long-li-ness....

Vell... as my title portrays to thine eyes... i have at long long-last, finally joined the "blogal" (according to my dear brother!) ... ok... you may think ive just been suckered into an empire of geeks united, which is pretty much the likely truth (& first off to clear things up, I may in actual fact, be one of the massivest geeks you'll ever meet...)... anyways, i just find i have billions of thoughts running through my mind... about every which random things! then when i get talking with certain people or read other blogs it gets my mind absolutly racing, much like a world class race-chipmunk after a pile of nuts in the depths of china (ok, anyways, i just get thinking and i end up writing essays for comments... so, i guess this blog is a way to satisfy my ravinous hunger to express the inner julia, and let you partake in my lifes blunders, happinesses & other such occurences... um,sure...

See... I used to be such a band-wagon-jumper of a person, but now im finally discovery for myself & realizing the "unique" person God has made me. Truth is, I don't have myself quite figured out! What I do know on this discovery/journey thingy, is that I wouldn't want to be anyone else! I know God's made me this way for a reason; every little bit of me... every random thought... every indepth opinion. Im realizing personal values, beliefs, what I live for & thrive on. Things that trully matter most in life, like relationship & familly are now coming clear. Heck, I'm even finding out the little things, like what will send me directly rolling on the floor in writhing waves of uncontrollable "child-birth paining" laughter!
God's intricatly wired everyone of us a certain way, & somehow in all his greatness, interconnected us as individuals into this huge labrinth called earth and life. ( gosh, Im so overwhelmed by how human I am & how tiny a "human perspective" i have... ill never be able to wrap my mind around how perfect God has fit everything togther... GAH! its crazy...)
anyways... sidetracked again...
There is just not one human "just like the other one." Plus, why would I want to morph into someone else: a fake, restrained, human who may then be deemed acceptable by the worlds standards.
I'm not ashamed that I can spend hours on end in such concentrated serious & indepth thought with someone or myself that I may possibly make myself ill, or bring myself to a near anurism. I'm not sorry I'm "wierd" (by some elses standards), and appear like Im on crack half the time; too bad for you if you can't laugh at me or with me.
It's who I am... so excited to see how God is changing me and molding me and where hes taking me! It's awsome...
K... wow... I'm gunna stop now.... i just realized how much i just wrote about...well... myself! (now thats beyond sickening) Er, sorry about that....
i guess we've now been officially introducted....
so yeah... um... you can leave now....


Blogger W said...

jules, is massivest found in Webster's or in the McFadden dictionary. Anyway very good my seem to have figured out at 18 what has taken me 36 years to figure out.

7:36 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

*Stewy Voice*
Welcome to blog world Julia... would you care for some...broccoli?!!

1:04 AM  

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