Monday, May 22, 2006

I dispise...

I have a "dispission!".... I quite hate... loath really... It is "being a bother or annoyance to people."
As a result, alot of the time, when wanting to get to know certain people, I tend to not talk to them. I, in essence, avoid them....skirt around them...
Either that or I'll be all confident and "Hey! How are you!" Then I'll get all awkward, and make an excuse to run away.
Don't want to bother, annoy, trouble people with ... well.... me.
In some cases, it's also because I don't want to be seen as a stalker in talking to a certain someone... (speaking in regards to those few that I have and do take a "special" interest in.)
It's like: "Wow! That's a neat person... kind want to get to know you... oh I know... I won't talk to you and avoid you at all costs! That'll work real good!"
I looked at this tactic... and it could be more detrimental, then good.
I could be seen as some snob. One of those "obviously-too-good-to-talk-to-you"-er's.
But in actual fact its the other way around. I'm a very humble person. I'm just utterly and helplessly intimidated, scared, shy out of my kitten skin to talk to certain people... And most of the time, it's eating me inside because I want so badly to talk to them... get to know them... hear how they are doing... find out where they are at with life.
Then whenever I do shy away... I kick myself for the next week thinking I've ruined any chance I have with that person.
So if I'm acting shy and avoiding you... it's probably NOT because I hate you at all. I'm probably even kicking myself over you and the way I've treated you.
I love people. I love talking to people. Love relationship.... human interaction really.
I'm probably just scared that I'm gunna bother you.
And If I do talk to you fluidly... wonderful... I'm totally comfortable around you and lovin it!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Acme Grad...

Here are a couple lovely pictures from Acme Grad. of the weekend prio to this here one that has already commenced! Took me awhile... sorry!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Oh man.... take a check out....

So yesterday was my official fourth tattoo/piercing day with my dear friend Diana! (Gosh I love that girl... we sometimes have too much fun for our own mental good.. haha... )
So, anyways, I was sitting in "the chair"... absolutly basking in the pain of a needle injecting ink into my ankle! I don't know what it is about tattoos... it hurt quite horridly... and I loved it! I have a pretty massive pain tolerance, so thus I was able to just sit there... take in the gloriousness of the pain.
My tattoo guy was like... "um.. is this your first tattoo? c-cuz your taking it really well!"
I step out of my trance only to reply with a big; "Nope it's my second!"
Sketched this bad boy out myself. Three "jesus fishes" intertwined to create he trinity, with a cross as the centre. The lines are ment to be a bit uneven in thickness to represent a bit of the artist in me... plus i hate it when things look perfect...
So take a look... I love it with all that I am... I'm so hopelessly and helplessly addicted...

Monday, May 01, 2006


haven't blogged in quite the while... haven't I not have I!?
... well... personally i need to watch some hockey right now and maybe touch-up my tattoo sketch... possibly interact with some dear fellow human beings for a bit! so you'll have to wait a tince longer....
oh and while you wait... here's a grande picture of my dear father for you to view from our fun at poker night! Oh and some other wonderful people!... Take a look....