Saturday, February 25, 2006

under the needle... i shall go....

Well after much awaited searching and scrounging I have finally found it! At two in morning last night, I was sitting in my hole I call a room, poaring over website after website, and book after book, trying once again to find the tattoo of my dreams. I've been looking for something extremely meaningful (thus probably "spiritual"), because it IS going to be needled into my skin for forever, and will be worn through my remaing years, stretchmarks and all.
Anyways... I FOUND IT!!!!! I knew right away when I saw it...
This says "Be Thou My Vision" in hebrew. Now I liked the idea of it being in hebrew, BUT, then I awoke last night (i did actually awake, quite suddenly in fact and then after a few seconds of enlightenment, hit the pillow again to instant sleep) with an even more splendid idea. I'm going to get it written in Gaelic. "Bi-Se I Mo Shuil." This tattoo could not be more meaningful to me.
The hymn "Be Thous My Vision," which is in fact a Gaelic blessing, has been my life song, or what I want my life to be saying. Also, apart of my heritage is Irish and thus that ties in with the whole Gaelic translation deal as well.. GAH! I'm so excited....
That's all i had to say...I have to go do something usefull with myself... so... later

Saturday, February 11, 2006

microwave this!!....

Well, my familly(tempted to say just father and brother but won't,... wait just did), has officially acted upon a theory they came across on, well, the internet, regarding the harmfulness of using microwaves to the human health spectrum. This theory claims that microwave cooking makes food more carcinogenic, decreases food value by destroying nutrients, and creates unnatural substances that shouldn’t be consumed by humans. Listed side effects of eating microwaved food include long-term brain damage, altered hormone production, tumors/cancer, a weakened immune system, memory loss, and decreased intelligence.
So upon actually accepting this theory, they not only took away my little black box of convienient cooking, but replaced it with an alien object called a toaster oven.
Not gunna lie, I didnt even know what a toaster oven was until we actually bought one. I had only heard of one because of the Veggie Tales episode with the Stuff Mart and "stuff-obsessed" Madam Blueberry, and her buying one. (Lovely place that "Stuff-Mart!")
Anyways! The other day I ripped home for like 10 minutes from a course at the hospital, hopeing to pop a lovely bowl of delicious left-over curry chicken into the microwave and scarf it down and be on my way. Too bad for me... no microwave... I didnt know how to, or have the time to figure out how to work the toaster oven. So I popped open the door anyways and hucked my plate of chilly food on the wire rack of the toaster oven and started turning random dials. After a minute or two of waiting and no flames or smoke billowing out just yet, i whip open the door to retrieve my food. Oh heat! It must have worked... HA... too bad my plate was scalding hot and my food was still ice cubes!... Ate it regardless... unhappy... but full at least!
Then this morning I had sugar fit craving. I went to make one of my kitchen concoctions to fix my fit. Melted marshmallows, chocolate chips (no chocolate chips so i used hot chocolate powder.. whatever works), and my favourite sugar cereal in a mesh of yummy! Too bad I dont have a microwave! So out of pure agrivation, and sugar deprivation, I forced my dad to dig the microwave out from the depths and plug it in the corner of our cement basement. I sat there cross legged on the floor stairing into the lighted hole watching my little bowl of marmallows turn around, as if I was worshipping the little black box. It was wonderful!
Harmful to my health or not... convinient, quick, and delicious overrules this one for me! Plus according to the above cartoon, the toxic effects won't kick in for another 30 some years, and by then i'll be married with kids! (HA... too bad for them!) Needless to say I'm keeping my microwave, even if it meens storring it under my bed and pulling it out in the deep of night!...
That's all for now... have a lovely one...