Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Well yesterday we deported Dave and Joel off to the green green hills of Ireland. They shall both be missed wretchedly. Join me in much prayer for these crazy-awesome backpacking youngs lads. For their sanity, health, warmth, and first and foremost... their very lives. Bad things seem to happen to good people... especially when these two are together.
Can't wait to see you in three weeks: Joel... and you Dave: when and if you ever come home.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Well... well!

Hey! If you guys wanna check out where I'll be heading next month you can check out: If you wanna see my face, you can go to the staff/student pages. And if you wanna know what I'm gunna be doing, check out the Discipleship Training School.
Pretty much beyond excited!
Please pray for me as I prepare to go. God's been doing alot of stuff in my heart, and I'm supper excited to see where he's going to be taking me.